sabato 26 ottobre 2024

Bishop’s throne

1077 | Un nuovo ordinamento
Per concessione dell'imperatore Enrico IV, si costituisce il Principato Ecclesiastico di Aquileia.| La cattedra patriarcale, con decorazioni tipiche del IX secolo, Aquileia, Basilica Patriarcale di Santa Maria Assunta | Foto: © Gianluca Baronchelli
At the center of the apse of the Basilica was the chair of the patriarchs of Aquileia, of which today only a few elegantly decorated marble steps remain.

On the elevations we can see some of the most popular figures and motifs in the ninth century: palmettes and eagles separated by knotted ribbons, intertwining that curiously ends in figures of animals, vases of luxuriant plants inhabited by doves.