domenica 30 marzo 2025

Ervin Skalamera. Fisherman's Night

The fisherman's life is difficult and full of sacrifice, an existence dedicated to fishing in which work lasts both day and night and a private life only barely exists. With my photographs, I want to tell the story not solely of hardships that this work implies, but also of the fascination it holds: the faces of fishermen as they tell their stories of a life at sea, the beauty and tranquility of dawn as the nets are lowered and rises, the joy of a good catch that repays their exhaustion.. the passion and the art of fishing.


Data: from 16 April 2015 to 31 July 2015
Luogo: Museo di Storia Naturale
Indirizzo: Trieste - via dei Tominz 4
Telefono: +39 040 6754603
Ingresso: intero € 3, ridotto € 2, gratuito per bambini di età inferiore a 6 anni